Below are the questions asked during the live event, along with their respective answers.

Q: Does this graphical user interface representing the certification cycle help application processing times and if so how?
A: Yes, it does and in fact overall can be as much as 50 – 70% quicker. This is due to the internal communication protocol between reviewer and client + emailing tracker status as it progresses through the CMS + access to the dedicated landing page.

Clients understand where they are in the process at all times and if their application requirements modification they will update and place it back in the queue for a quick turnaround.

Reviewers have visibility of when the tracker was created and when the update was made available, this tracker will now be a priority within system.

Our clients further recognize and appreciate the benefits of the graphical user interface giving instant status on all projects.

Q: You mentioned there are different system user types – can you explain further?
A: In MiCMS the system was designed for technical and non-technical personnel alike. There are 3 distinct user types;
i.. Company Admin – Company Admin’s have visibility of all projects and has read/write access to all tracker, useful function is one of the PM’s are sick or leave the company
ii.. Project Manager – Project Managers only have access to their own projects
iii.. Contract User – is a special user type with increased number of privileges