Product Demo
Modern EMC Receivers and What They Can Do: The R&S® ESW
Superior noise floor, higher dynamic range, and an intuitive graphical user interface are just some of the attributes of the R&S® ESW EMI receiver from Rohde and Schwarz. Key focus will be placed on advanced measurements such as Time Domain Scan and a real-time mode with persistence display. They enable a dramatically shortened test time, provide revolutionary insight into the time characteristics of emissions, and help in identifying the sources of those emissions.
This demonstration will walk you through the superior intuitive graphical user interface for setting up the configurable pre-selector, executing a scan with and without time domains scan, and analyzing the spectrum with real-time spectrum analysis as well as present numerous other features of the best EMC Receiver on the market, the ESW. Join us and find out what all that hype is about!

Bill Wangard
Bill Wangard is the EMI Receiver, Amplifier, and EMC Software Product Manager at Rohde & Schwarz. He has 20+ years of RF and Receiver experience at Motorola and Rohde & Schwarz. Bill authored numerous patents at Motorola.