2017 Technical Webinar
New European Radio Requirements Could Leave You in the “RED”
As the required implementation date and the end of the R&TTED to RED transition period rapidly approaches, this training addresses compliance to Directive 2014/53/EU, known as the RED. We have seen a lot of activity in harmonizing standards but it is still expected that Notified Body (NB) involvement will be needed in many cases. This session reviews the requirements and timelines of the RED, the status of the harmonised or draft standards, and the requirements for using a Notified Body including the technical documentation file. Preparation for the June 2017 deadline for maintaining compliance of products on the EU and EEA market must be completed, and this session provides essential information for wireless equipment manufacturers and radio importers.

Michael Derby,
Director ACB EU
Michael is Director of American Certification Body Europe and has been active in the EMC and Wireless Certification Industry for 27 years. He is currently the Chair of the Telecommunications Certification Body Council, Secretary of the EMC Test Lab Association and is a Notified Body for the Radio Equipment and EMC Directives. Michael performs certification and lectures on radio regulatory issue in Europe, the United States and China.